Ultima Ratio 1/72

UR001 Mujahidins Taliban al-Qaeda 
UR002 Soviet Motorized Infantry Spetsnaz 
UR003 WWII Soviet & Polish Infantry 
UR004 WWII Soviet Mountain Troops 
UR005 Imperial Japanese Army Paratroopers 
UR006 Chindits 
UR007 15th Century Swiss Infantry (Uri) 
UR008 15th Century Swiss Infantry (Bern) 
UR009 Medieval Gunpowder Castle Artillery 
UR010 Italian Militiamen 1260-1392 
UR011 Musketeers of the King of France 
UR012 Guards of Cardinal Richelieu 
UR013 Gladiators Myrmille Secutor Szissor 
UR014 Union Infantry - Irish Brigade 
UR015 Confederate Infantry Texas Troops 
UR017 Gladiators Hoplomachus Thracian

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